Mayken™ Hazmat works very hard to clean up the City of Calgary and surrounding areas province wide. As a result, Mayken™ is proud to be recognized as an authority in the hazardous cleanup field. You can learn more about these special people in several news articles and interviews with local media listed below.
Dean and Jeanette Interview Made by X92.2
Grow Op Videos
Mayken Hazmat Solutions with Dean May on CHQR 770AM
Grow Op Remediation Specialists – Marijuana Drug House – Meth Lab – Mold – Cannabis
Grow Op Remediation Expertise
With the recent legalization of marijuana we’re seeing far fewer stories of grow ops in the news these days, but that doesn’t mean the issue has gone away!
Marijuana grow ops are still a major concern when it comes to health and safety for the owners of the property and even potentially the future owners if the property grow op remediation is done improperly.
With a decade of experience in the remediation of marijuana grow ops Dean May is one of the go to individuals for landlords, insurance companies and even banks when it comes to remediating properties.
That’s why you’ll find him featured in so many local news stories as a local remediation expert on grow ops.
To showcase that, below you’ll find some of the stories and articles featuring Mayken™ Hazmat and our resident grow op remediation expert Dean May!
Fentanyl Articles
CBC News Calgary: A dirty, dangerous job: Fentanyl drug house cleaners are crazy busy
ReadMetro: Specialists suit up to clean city’s drug dens
Calgary Journal: These two jobs are a risky business
Restoration and Remediation: Fentanyl Lab Cleanup – The Growing Need for Educating Remediators
Restoration and Remediation: Fentanyl Labs – A new potentially dangerous frontier for remediations
Fentanyl Audios
Interview with CBC Calgary
Fentanyl Interview from SiriusXM
660 News interview with Tahirih Fooroozan
Fentanyl Awareness
It seems no matter where you turn Fentanyl is in the news. Whether it’s a drug bust, a crime, a fentanyl overdose or simply the dangers of Fentanyl it’s omnipresent.
To help keep you educated and aware of the ongoing fentanyl crisis we’ve compiled fentanyl related stories from the news.
As Mayken™ Hazmat is a leader in the cleanup and remediation of Fentanyl labs as well as property and vehicle decontamination, we are often involved directly in these stories as one of the first groups on site to contain the dangers.
Fentanyl is Making Headlines, But Meth is the Menace
Methamphetamine, crystal meth or simply meth as it is commonly referred to is one of the biggest challenges facing many of the towns and cities across North America and why it’s so common to find meth in the news these days.
Due to its low cost and quick highs it’s become the most commonly seized drug in Alberta. The biggest issue with this is the highly addictive qualities of meth which is contributing to stories of meth in the news related to crimes such as property theft or break and enters.
As addicts scrounge for cash to get that next high they’re stealing vehicles, tools even bottles, just to get some cash to buy more drugs.
This has made meth an even bigger challenge for law enforcement than Fentanyl. Fentanyl is stealing many of the headlines and has its own major challenges due to high toxicity.
We’ve gathered several methamphetamine stories for you here to raise awareness:
Contaminated spaces such as homes or vehicles can be a health risk to anyone disturbing the space and adequate precautions need to be taken before exposing yourself to these risks.
Please contact us as soon as possible regarding the cleanup of a meth lab or potentially contaminated vehicle recovered after a theft..
Facing Repairs Ahead
Councils of First Nations communities face similar issues as other landlords and hotels. When members use or produce illicit drugs or cannabis in their home, Where the Council owns the home, they is faced with responding to the damage.
In this interview with First Nations National Building Officers Association (FNNBOA), Dean Mayken discusses the process to remediate a home contaminated with illicit drugs.
Interview starts at 6:40
Here at Mayken™ we take pride in the work that we do, and we love to help our customers.
If you have any questions about hazardous material disposal, drug lab remediation, restoration, or property management, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
We can help restore your property
Get in touch with Mayken™ today